About Staff
Educating for Tomorrow’s world!
An essential ingredient of a good school is competent teachers. Meticulous care is exercised in the recruitment of academic staff of all categories so that school is managed by highly qualified and experienced staff, well versed and proficient in their subjects. There is therefore diversity and broadness of vision. The institute has highly qualified trained and experienced teaching staff which comprises male and female members. All the teachers are aware of the latest teaching techniques and pay individual attention to each child to ensure that all the children discover themselves to their maximum according to their ability/aptitude at their own rate.

The institution is maintaining an ideal teacher student ratio of 1: 10. The Montessori sections are run by highly qualified Montessori directresses under the guidance of an In charge directress. Each class has a helper teacher along with a maid to assist the directressIn the Junior school selection of class teachers is based on their sensitivity and commitment towards the need of children as here the emphasis is on determining the potentials of each child and helpingthem in all areas of growth with love, affirmation and encouragement, and at the same time accepting the fact that no two children are alike. The Preparatory and High School Teachers are highly qualified subject specialists, who prepare the children for external and Internal examinations.
Roots School System academic programs and external studies are developed and taught by a core faculty of RSS teachers and lecturers who are skilled educators, groundbreaking researchers, and award-winning academia. Roots School System Faculty leverage their academic and subject expertise and field-based experience to create new knowledge and enduring concepts that shape the practice of Mathematics. English, science and languages. The result is a teaching team that exposes students to multiple perspectives, challenging their thinking on many levels thus supporting outstanding achievements of our students at national and international examinations.